If Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock were to opened a bar, it would look, feel and sound like Automatic Slim’s. With buxom bartenders in skin-tight shirts, stripper poles and giant neon bowling and trailer park signs, this one-room true locals’ dive bar is less about class and more about letting it all hang out.
Forget your Prada shoes and Cartier watch, toss on a pair of dirty jeans and Chuck Taylors and join the model set that flocks to one of the only venues in South Beach to feature live rock.
Slim’s anti-South Beach attitude (no cover, no VIP, no bullshit) shockingly appeals to Hollywood heavy hitters like Paris Hilton, who enjoyed the Thursday Bike Night party with free drinks for the ladies and ’80s music all night long.
Automatic Slim’s
1216 Washington Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33139
(305) 695-0795