Every month fashion magazines like Elle, Lucky and In Style pick must-have favorites from Club Monaco and once you step inside you’ll understand why. They offer the hottest designer looks at moderately affordable prices.
This is yet another store that offers great selections for girls and guys and they even stock their own line of cosmetics and facial care items (which, by the way, are fantastic—be sure and try the clay facial mask).
Straight leg pants, ruffled minis, wife beater tanks and knee-length pleated skirts that are as easy to mix and match as couples at a swinger’s party. We love this store because the merchandise is more classic than it is super trendy so you can wear the jackets or your favorite pair of pants for seasons to come. Even that pair of nude fishnets is an investment well worth making. 624 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139 (305) 674-7446