Part of what makes South Florida sizzle is our unique multi-cultural community and no weekend stirs so many dancing feet as Carnival Miami when live bands, calypso music and elaborate feathered costumes fill our streets with magic! Highlights include dramatic masquerade pageants, steel band competitions and the crowning of a Carnival King & Queen.
Miami’s Caribbean Festival takes place over Columbus Day Weekend and includes music, dance, enchanting costumes and rhythmic drumming. Guests from across the Caribbean fly in to take part in the parades and new competitions for decorative floats and fancy dress are added each year. In 1990, the first Junior Carnival Parade was staged the day before the main parade to encourage all South Florida kids to join with thousands of their Caribbean classmates and participate in this diverse celebration.
Get ready for days of family fun, face painting for the kids and lots of great ethnic foods from all across the Islands. Miami’s Junior Carnival takes place Saturday, September 29th, 2018 from 12noon-11pm at Central Broward Regional Park. Steel Bands will compete in “Panorama,” a championship match featuring musicians from across the globe Friday, October 5th from 4pm-11pm at the Central Broward Regional Park and J’ouvert is a massive street party, 7am-3pm, on Saturday, October 6. Tickets can be purchased at www.miamibrowardcarnival.com.