With her first feature-film role as Nina in the upcoming Big Trouble, Sofia Vergara discovers that sometimes making it in Hollywood is all about sucking up. For others, that is…
What was it like shooting your first feature film?
It was a surprise for me, because I wasn’t really planning to make movies. But Barry offered me this part [he saw her presenting at the 1999 American Comedy Awards], and it’s been great. Actually, I was just looking at the poster for the movie, and the only ones not famous in the American market are me and the frog!
Did it gross you out to have to kiss Puggy (Jason Lee’s character, a longhaired, tree-living vagabond)?
No, he wasn’t dirty in real life! The dirt under his fingernails was makeup. It was great working with him; he’s such a calm, relaxed actor.
Is Puggy the kind of man you could go for in real life?
Well, I don’t know that I’d like living in a tree; I think I’d prefer a condo. But with love, you don’t know. You never know when you’re going to fall in love. I prefer men with dreams, successful people, but I guess you never know. I hope not.
Are you in love with anyone now?
There is someone in my heart, but, he’s not my boyfriend. I don’t have a boyfriend.
Can you tell me who it is?
Is it Luis Miguel? You know that’s what people are saying, that that’s what drove Mariah into the nuthouse.
No! No, now you make me feel bad! (laughs) No, no, Luis and I are good friends, and I feel very sorry about what’s happened to the two of them.
Do you think Miami is as crazy as it’s portrayed in the film — goats running loose, hallucinogenic toads squirting people?
Crazy things do happen here, maybe the sun is too hot on the heads of people, I don’t know.
Crazy things like having your toes sucked? You were so funny in the scene where Stanley Tucci was sucking your feet. Were you wearing prosthetics, or was he really doing it?
Yes, he was really sucking my toes. Oh, I felt so bad for him! We had to do several takes, and of course right after there’s a scene where I have to run, so each time I would wash my feet.
Last time we talked you were also working on a singing career, and obviously you met Heavy D while making the film. Did the two of you talk about doing something together?
No, we mostly just had fun sitting around the airport [where much of the film is shot] making jokes.
Do you plan to make more movies?
I would like to make another movie with [director] Barry Sonnenfeld, he’s so nice! I really enjoyed this, especially for my first time. It was not too much responsibility, and I’m in a few short scenes, so it was great. And I love that I’m not dressed sexy. Right now I have a good agent in L.A., and I’m taking acting classes and going on castings and meeting people, so yes, I hope so.